Quick dry Acrylic based spray paint. The product has good hiding power, coverage and gives protection against corrosionFor all Interior and Exterior Applications, ideal for wood, metals, plastic, automotive and motorcycle, equipment’s etcShake vigorously till glass agitator rattle in the can. Hold the container approximately 30 cm away from the object to be painted. Keep the can motion from side to side so that the coating is deposited evenly. Better to apply several thin coatings at an interval of min 10minutes. Better to store can at room temperatureSURFACE PREPARATION: The surface to be painted must be free from grease, dirt, moisture, and rust to attain excellent resultsSTORAGE & SHELF LIFE: 36 months when stored at 21°C (70°F) / 50% relative humidity out of direct sunlight. do not expose to temperatures exceeding 500C because the cans contain pressurized gas. It may burn above 50°C. Do not pierce or burn even after use. Do not spray on naked flame or any incandescent materials. Keep out of reach of children