On a manual treadmill, the action of your feet against the deck moves the belt. The belt only moves if you move it. Both runners and walkers expend more effort on a curved belt non-motorized treadmill than on a motorized treadmill. This has fitness benefits as users can get their heart rates into a higher zone at a lower speed. One study found that subjects expended 30 percent more energy at the same speed. But the trade-off was that they preferred to run or walk at a slower speed so as to keep their exertion constant.
The design encourages you to run on the balls of your feet, which in turn reduced the impact on joints and improved running performance. There is more core and trunk engagement due to the need to run at an ergonomically correct angle. This forces you to maintain proper posture otherwise you will feel off balance and will effect your running gate.
Mean average calorie expenditure has been shown to be 30-40% higher on a curved treadmill compared to a flat treadmill whilst only walking at 3 miles per hour for 10 minutes.
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